Tuesday, December 30, 2014


 Cheers to a new year!
As I reflected on 2014, I realized it was a pretty good year for me.
I figured out a lot about myself but I also had a great time with friends and family!
I wanted to share ways that I think I can improve this next year.
Maybe you will find these tips helpful as well!

1. De-clutter your life.
I wanted to start off this year fresh by organizing myself and getting rid of things that I no longer use anymore.  First, I started with my closet & room.  I got rid of bags and bags of things I have not touched for months…and let me tell you… my space has never felt so clean.  I have also gotten a new planner/calendar (Really cheap at Target) and mapped out important dates this year.  I will also use it to keep track of all important things in school… I recommend every single college student to invest in one if you have yet to do so.  

2. Stop worrying about others.
No, I do not mean stop caring about your loved ones, I simply mean to stop worrying about what everyone else around you is doing with their life and start focusing on yourself.  I'll admit, when I first started college I was so worried about what everyone's major was, are my grades good enough, am I having a good enough social life as everyone else… sometimes it drove me crazy.  Lately I've been focusing on what I enjoy in school and started going at my own pace with things… everyone does everything differently so don't ever feel you're missing out on things or not doing something up to everyones standards.  Besides… who wants to be like everyone else?

3.  Build your empire.
Personally, this is my #1 resolution for 2015.  Since I just hit my 20's, I feel like this is the time to finally start focusing on what you want to do with your life.  This past semester I became an art major and I love it.  I want to do everything in my power to help me succeed in that kind of lifestyle.  I want to start exploring my options and try new things….building my own empire.

4. Live in the moment.
This past year, I've been soooo worried about the future, as I'm sure many people my age as well... but I'm sick of it.  The amount of stress people put on themselves to make sure their future is perfect is ridiculous.  I would love to just start worrying about one day at a time and let fate take its tole.  Who knows what opportunities will come along!  If you're so focused on a certain plan for yourself, you might miss those great opportunities.

5. Expand your knowledge.
Obviously, there is no limit to how much you can learn.  I want to take advantage of that this year by reading as much as possible…(yeah I know, I'm a nerd).  I came across this article by POPSUGAR called the 2015 Reading Challenge and found it to be very interesting.  I plan on sticking to it and learn a lot by broadening my reading selection.  I think more people should try this out!

Hope you enjoyed (and try) some of these tips!
See you next year! 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Pastel Hair

Try something new.

I know it's a little different, but lately I have been loving the pastel hair craze.
I decided to have some pastel color put in my hair, and 
I have become obsessed. I went for the lavender color 
because I feel it suited my skin tone the best.

Right now, I have the permanent lavander color, but there are some other 
options & colors you can choose from to achieve this look.
Here's some other color ideas.
Note: I do not own the pictures below only
using them for examples.






Before I permanently died my hair, I tried out a semi-permanent dye 
on the blonde pieces of my hair just to test out the color.  I used
Ion Color Brilliance Bright Semi-Permaent Hair Color from 
Sally's Beauty Supply for around $6.00.  I loved the effect this
dye had on my hair.  I learned that the longer you keep the dye on
the more vibrant the color is.  This brand has a wide range of
pastel colors to try out.  Always read the directions before applying!

Hair chalk is another simple way to achieve this look
 without permanently dying your hair.  Unfortunately, pastel
hair colors show more on blonde or lighter color hair.
I tried out hair chalk by Splat and I liked the outcome.
I purchased the hair chalk from Target for about $6.00. 
If you plan on doing your whole head (and have thick hair like me)
 you might only get one use out of it.  The Splat hair chalk comes in 
a variety of colors. It only lasts for a little while so I recommend you do it right
after you have washed your hair so you can have it one or two days.  
Keep a towel handy because it can get a little messy!

If you want to try it out, I get my hair done by 
Alyssa at Deanne's Hair & Spa in Mentor, Ohio

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas Cookies

Tis' the season to be festive.

Obviously, christmas cookies are a huge tradition for the holidays.
I decided to choose three Pinterest recipes to try that I thought looked 
 good! I have also been trying to eat healthier lately so I
included a healthier cookie recipe as well which was amazing!
All of the links for the recipes will be down below.
I suggest you try them because they were all delicious.

Cake Batter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Crinkles

Healthy Peanut Butter & Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies


Sunday, December 14, 2014


Hello Everyone!

My Name is Meg.

 After following many blogs for quite some time now,
I have decided to make one for myself!
For as long as I can remember, I have always been into the more
creative things in life including beauty, art, music, traveling & the occasional
DIY projects. I wanted a place to post my ideas and things that I find interesting.
Hopefully someone else will find them interesting as well!  I also want to 
point out that I am not an expert on beauty.  It is just something I enjoy.  I do not
see myself being an everyday type of blogger, but I will post whenever I am
feeling inspired… which is a lot…  
My first blog will be coming soon.
Hope you enjoy!

P.s. I am obviously very new at this… so please, don’t be too harsh.